How Long Does A Hair System Last For?
Why Buy Your Hair System From HollywoodLace Versus Others?
All our Lace and Skin Hair Systems consist of the finest materials, single strand ventilation, bleached knots, and a transitional density for realistic appearance. Finally, we apply a weightless sealant on Lace hair systems to provide more durablity, less hair pull through, and longer adhesion.

How long will my new hair system last?
Hair Systems are not intended to last forever. Without the body's natural oils to protect it, human hair will eventually become drier and more brittle. On average, you will need a new hair system every three months or so. Some people replace their hair system every six months and some every month. It is truly a personal decision. The newer the hair system, the more vibrant the hair will be. Now with the more affordable options provided by HollywoodLace it is best to replace as often as your budget allows.
Should I get rid of my expensive hair club plan? Can I really do this myself?
YES & YES. If you want to save money, get better quality hair systems and not be at the liberty of others, get rid of your $500.00 a month membership and just learn to do it yourself. It is easy. There is nothing magical about doing it yourself. You can either have us cut it for you, learn to cut it yourself, or go to a local salon for $50.00.
Can you copy my existing unit exactly?
Absolutely! Send it to us and we'll be glad to have it duplicated exactly. You can even specify changes in base material, hair color, hair density, etc.
Will the lace match my skin color?
Our laces and skins are transparent, allowing your natural skin tone to show through. Even if you tan during the summer, the base will remain invisible. Some of our systems do offer different color bases and we would be happy to accomodate. However, we do have different color bases for those who may feel they need. Please inquire with us.